fair trade organic cotton

Zummy’s exploration towards Fairtrade

by Zummy Team

The sole exception to Made in Italy amongst Zummy products is its Spring-Summer T-shirt, for which Zummy decided to explore Fairtrade. So as its supplier of short-sleeve shirts for women, Zummy chose a fair trade co-operative that imports and distributes in Italy products made in the southern hemisphere and certified Fairtrade. Fair trade enables the establishment of trade relations and the development of products with a focus on the people involved, the materials and production processes used, the aim being to create a positive impact not only economically but also socially and environmentally. The T-shirt is made with certified organic cotton that in turn guarantees specific environmental and social standards along the entire production chain.

The business that produces these T-shirts is in India and, in line with Fairtrade principles and values, it promotes the wellbeing of its workforce by guaranteeing decent working conditions and wages. Working hours are regular (8 hours and a maximum of 1 hour overtime). Overtime is paid at twice the normal rate and contract conditions include 16 days paid holiday a year and 13 weeks paid maternity leave. The company is also very sensitive about the environmental impact of its activity. It sources most of its energy requirement from its own wind park and recycles its waste fabrics to make small accessories. It promotes environmental education by organizing training courses for employees.

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