Zummy goes to… Maredamare 2021, the Italian Tradeshow of beachwear
by Zummy Team
Eleven thousand square meters of exhibition area, 300 brands in the medium-high pricing level, the best brands for beachwear, swimsuits, caftans, accessories, homewear and lingerie… these numbers are enough to understand that Maredamare is the only Italian stage of the beachwear and lingerie industry and the perfect place for the best clients and the most qualified companies to meet. And, it goes without saying, when the word “sea” is mentioned, ZUMMY is always in the front row.
It is since Summer 2019, when Gaia Novello (Founder of ZUMMY together with her daughter, Gloria), overcoming a lifetime of water phobia, immerses herself for the first time, in an exotic sea. What she sees underwater leaves her speechless and fills her with totally new emotions. On resurfacing, Gaia makes a promise: to quickly turn that inspiration into fabulous textures for clothing and accessories, so that all women like her can bring to their lives the joy of that incredible vision. Et voilà… here we are two years later at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, an amazing three-day adventure. Believing that great ideas arise with new and positive incentives, we also immersed ourselves in this tradeshow, teeming with news.
From July 24th to 26th 2021 we colored Maredamare with ZUMMY’s creations and we happily invaded it with its “zoomed” and intense printings of Cory, Jelly, Angy, Symphy, sea creatures that have inspired our work since the beginning and that, through our commitment, we promised to protect and preserve.